Vocabulary : Centrifugal filter to Centroid
Centrifugal filter : A filter, as for sugar, in which a cylinder with a porous or foraminous periphery is rapidly rotated so as to drive off liquid by centrifugal action.
Centrifugence : The property or quality of being centrifugal.
Centring : of Centre ;; See Centring.
Centripetal : Tending, or causing, to approach the center. ;; Expanding first at the base of the inflorescence, and proceeding in order towards the summit. ;; Having the radicle turned toward the axis of the fruit, as some embryos. ;; Progressing by changes from the exterior of a thing toward its center; as, the centripetal calcification of a bone.
Centripetence : Centripetency.
Centripetency : Tendency toward the center.
Centriscoid : Allied to, or resembling, the genus Centriscus, of which the bellows fish is an example.
Centrobaric : Relating to the center of gravity, or to the process of finding it.
Centrode : In two figures having relative motion, one of the two curves which are the loci of the instantaneous center.
Centroid : The center of mass, inertia, or gravity of a body or system of bodies.
: Centrolecithal, Centrolinead, Centrolineal, Centrosome, Centrosphere, Centrostaltic, Centrum, Centrums, Centry, Centumvir
: Centrally, Centre, Centrebit, Centreboard, Centred, Centrepiece, Centric, Centrical, Centricity, Centrifugal
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary