Vocabulary : Centumviral to Centuriator

Centumviral : Of or pertaining to the centumviri, or to a centumvir.
Centumvirate : The office of a centumvir, or of the centumviri.
Centumviri : of Centumvir
Centuple : Hundredfold. ;; To increase a hundredfold.
Centuplicate : To make a hundredfold; to repeat a hundred times.
Centuplicated : of Centuplicate
Centuplicating : of Centuplicate
Centurial : Of or pertaining to a century; as, a centurial sermon.
Centuriate : Pertaining to, or divided into, centuries or hundreds. ;; To divide into hundreds.
Centuriator : Alt. of Centurist
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