Vocabulary : Cephalocercal to Cephalopoda
Cephalocercal : Relating to the long axis of the body.
Cephaloid : Shaped like the head.
Cephalology : The science which treats of the head.
Cephalomere : One of the somites (arthromeres) which make up the head of arthropods.
Cephalometer : An instrument measuring the dimensions of the head of a fetus during delivery.
Cephalometry : The measurement of the heads of living persons.
Cephalon : The head.
Cephalophora : The cephalata.
Cephalopod : Alt. of Cephalopode
Cephalopoda : The highest class of Mollusca.
: Cephalopode, Cephalopodic, Cephalopodous, Cephaloptera, Cephalosome, Cephalostyle, Cephalothorax, Cephalotome, Cephalotomy, Cephalotribe
: Cephalalgy, Cephalanthium, Cephalaspis, Cephalata, Cephalate, Cephalic, Cephalism, Cephalitis, Cephalization, Cephalo
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary