Vocabulary : Cerasinous to Ceratosaurus
Cerasinous : Pertaining to, or containing, cerasin. ;; Of a cherry color.
Cerastes : A genus of poisonous African serpents, with a horny scale over each eye; the horned viper.
Cerate : An unctuous preparation for external application, of a consistence intermediate between that of an ointment and a plaster, so that it can be spread upon cloth without the use of heat, but does not melt when applied to the skin.
Cerated : Covered with wax.
Ceratine : Sophistical.
Ceratobranchia : A group of nudibranchiate Mollusca having on the back papilliform or branched organs serving as gills.
Ceratobranchial : Pertaining to the bone, or cartilage, below the epibranchial in a branchial arch. ;; A ceratobranchial bone, or cartilage.
Ceratodus : A genus of ganoid fishes, of the order Dipnoi, first known as Mesozoic fossil fishes; but recently two living species have been discovered in Australian rivers. They have lungs so well developed that they can leave the water and breathe in air. In Australia they are called salmon and baramunda. See Dipnoi, and Archipterygium.
Ceratohyal : Pertaining to the bone, or cartilage, below the epihyal in the hyoid arch. ;; A ceratohyal bone, or cartilage, which, in man, forms one of the small horns of the hyoid.
Ceratosaurus : A carnivorous American Jurassic dinosaur allied to the European Megalosaurus. The animal was nearly twenty feet in length, and the skull bears a bony horn core on the united nasal bones. See Illustration in Appendix.
: Ceratospongiae, Ceraunics, Ceraunoscope, Cerberean, Cerberus, Cercal, Cercaria, Cercarian, Cercarle, Cerci
: Cephalotripsy, Cephalotrocha, Cephalous, Cepheus, Ceraceous, Cerago, Ceramic, Ceramics, Cerargyrite, Cerasin
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary