Vocabulary : Cerebro-spinal to Ceremonialness
Cerebro-spinal : Of or pertaining to the central nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord.
Cerebrum : The anterior, and in man the larger, division of the brain; the seat of the reasoning faculties and the will. See Brain.
Cerebrums : of Cerebrum
Cerecloth : A cloth smeared with melted wax, or with some gummy or glutinous matter.
Cered : of Cere
Cerement : A cerecloth used for the special purpose of enveloping a dead body when embalmed. ;; Any shroud or wrapping for the dead.
Ceremonial : Relating to ceremony, or external rite; ritual; according to the forms of established rites. ;; Observant of forms; ceremonious. [In this sense ceremonious is now preferred.] ;; A system of rules and ceremonies, enjoined by law, or established by custom, in religious worship, social intercourse, or the courts of princes; outward form. ;; The order for rites and forms in the Roman Catholic church, or the book containing the rules prescribed to be observed on solemn occasions.
Ceremonialism : Adherence to external rites; fondness for ceremony.
Ceremonially : According to rites and ceremonies; as, a person ceremonially unclean.
Ceremonialness : Quality of being ceremonial.
: Ceremonies, Ceremonious, Ceremoniously, Ceremoniousness, Ceremony, Cereous, Ceres, Ceresin, Cereus, Cerevis
: Cerebriform, Cerebrifugal, Cerebrin, Cerebripetal, Cerebritis, Cerebroid, Cerebrology, Cerebropathy, Cerebroscopy, Cerebrose
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary