Vocabulary : Ceria to Cerium
Ceria : Cerium oxide, CeO2, a white infusible substance constituting about one per cent of the material of the common incandescent mantle.
Cerial : Same as Cerrial.
Ceriferous : Producing wax.
Cerin : A waxy substance extracted by alcohol or ether from cork; sometimes applied also to the portion of beeswax which is soluble in alcohol. ;; A variety of the mineral allanite.
Cering : of Cere
Cerinthian : One of an ancient religious sect, so called from Cerinthus, a Jew, who attempted to unite the doctrines of Christ with the opinions of the Jews and Gnostics.
Ceriph : One of the fine lines of a letter, esp. one of the fine cross strokes at the top and bottom of letters.
Cerise : Cherry-colored; a light bright red; -- applied to textile fabrics, especially silk.
Cerite : A gastropod shell belonging to the family Cerithiidae; -- so called from its hornlike form. ;; A mineral of a brownish of cherry-red color, commonly massive. It is a hydrous silicate of cerium and allied metals.
Cerium : A rare metallic element, occurring in the minerals cerite, allanite, monazite, etc. Symbol Ce. Atomic weight 141.5. It resembles iron in color and luster, but is soft, and both malleable and ductile. It tarnishes readily in the air.
: Cernuous, Cero, Cerograph, Cerographic, Cerographical, Cerographist, Cerography, Cerolite, Ceroma, Ceromancy
: Ceremonies, Ceremonious, Ceremoniously, Ceremoniousness, Ceremony, Cereous, Ceres, Ceresin, Cereus, Cerevis
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary