Vocabulary : Cerulein to Cerusite
Cerulein : A fast dyestuff, C20H8O6, made by heating gallein with strong sulphuric acid. It dyes mordanted fabrics green.
Ceruleous : Cerulean.
Cerulescent : Tending to cerulean; light bluish.
Ceruleum : A greenish blue pigment prepared in various ways, consisting essentially of cobalt stannate. Unlike other cobalt blues, it does not change color by gaslight.
Cerulific : Producing a blue or sky color.
Cerumen : The yellow, waxlike secretion from the glands of the external ear; the earwax.
Ceruminous : Pertaining to, or secreting, cerumen; as, the ceruminous glands.
Ceruse : White lead, used as a pigment. See White lead, under White. ;; A cosmetic containing white lead. ;; The native carbonate of lead.
Cerused : Washed with a preparation of white lead; as, cerused face.
Cerusite : Alt. of Cerussite
: Cerussite, Cervantite, Cervelat, Cervical, Cervices, Cervicide, Cervine, Cervix, Cervixes, Cervus
: Certificating, Certification, Certified, Certifier, Certify, Certifying, Certiorari, Certitude, Cerule, Cerulean
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary