Vocabulary : Cessation to Cessor
Cessation : A ceasing or discontinuance, as of action, whether temporary or final; a stop; as, a cessation of the war.
Cessavit : A writ given by statute to recover lands when the tenant has for two years failed to perform the conditions of his tenure.
Cessed : of Cess
Cesser : a neglect of a tenant to perform services, or make payment, for two years.
Cessible : Giving way; yielding.
Cessing : of Cess
Cession : A yielding to physical force. ;; Concession; compliance. ;; A yielding, or surrender, as of property or rights, to another person; the act of ceding. ;; The giving up or vacating a benefice by accepting another without a proper dispensation. ;; The voluntary surrender of a person's effects to his creditors to avoid imprisonment.
Cessionary : Having surrendered the effects; as, a cessionary bankrupt.
Cessment : An assessment or tax.
Cessor : One who neglects, for two years, to perform the service by which he holds lands, so that he incurs the danger of the writ of cessavit. See Cessavit. ;; An assessor.
: Cesspipe, Cesspool, Cest, Cestode, Cestoid, Cestoidea, Cestoldean, Cestraciont, Cestui, Cestus
: Ceryl, Cesarean, Cesarian, Cesarism, Cespitine, Cespititious, Cespitose, Cespitous, Cess, Cessant
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary