Vocabulary : Chamfering to Champaign
Chamfering : of Chamfer
Chamfret : A small gutter; a furrow; a groove. ;; A chamfer.
Chamfron : The frontlet, or head armor, of a horse.
Chamisal : A California rosaceous shrub (Adenostoma fasciculatum) which often forms an impenetrable chaparral. ;; A chaparral formed by dense growths of this shrub.
Chamlet : See Camlet.
Chamois : A small species of antelope (Rupicapra tragus), living on the loftiest mountain ridges of Europe, as the Alps, Pyrenees, etc. It possesses remarkable agility, and is a favorite object of chase. ;; A soft leather made from the skin of the chamois, or from sheepskin, etc.; -- called also chamois leather, and chammy or shammy leather. See Shammy.
Chamomile : A genus of herbs (Anthemis) of the Composite family. The common camomile, A. nobilis, is used as a popular remedy. Its flowers have a strong and fragrant and a bitter, aromatic taste. They are tonic, febrifugal, and in large doses emetic, and the volatile oil is carminative. ;; See Camomile.
Champ : To bite with repeated action of the teeth so as to be heard. ;; To bite into small pieces; to crunch. ;; To bite or chew impatiently. ;; Alt. of Champe
Champagne : A light wine, of several kinds, originally made in the province of Champagne, in France.
Champaign : A flat, open country. ;; Flat; open; level.
: Champe, Champed, Champer, Champertor, Champerty, Champignon, Champing, Champion, Championed, Championing
: Chambermaid, Chambertin, Chambranle, Chambray, Chambrel, Chameck, Chameleon, Chameleonize, Chamfer, Chamfered
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary