Vocabulary : Chancel to Chancrous
Chancel : That part of a church, reserved for the use of the clergy, where the altar, or communion table, is placed. ;; All that part of a cruciform church which is beyond the line of the transept farthest from the main front.
Chancellery : Chancellorship.
Chancellor : A judicial court of chancery, which in England and in the United States is distinctively a court with equity jurisdiction.
Chancellorship : The office of a chancellor; the time during which one is chancellor.
Chance-medley : The killing of another in self-defense upon a sudden and unpremeditated encounter. See Chaud-Medley. ;; Luck; chance; accident.
Chancery : In England, formerly, the highest court of judicature next to the Parliament, exercising jurisdiction at law, but chiefly in equity; but under the jurisdiction act of 1873 it became the chancery division of the High Court of Justice, and now exercises jurisdiction only in equity. ;; In the Unites States, a court of equity; equity; proceeding in equity.
Chancing : of Chance
Chancre : A venereal sore or ulcer; specifically, the initial lesion of true syphilis, whether forming a distinct ulcer or not; -- called also hard chancre, indurated chancre, and Hunterian chancre.
Chancroid : A venereal sore, resembling a chancre in its seat and some external characters, but differing from it in being the starting point of a purely local process and never of a systemic disease; -- called also soft chancre.
Chancrous : Of the nature of a chancre; having chancre.
: Chandelier, Chandler, Chandlerly, Chandlery, Chandoo, Chandry, Chanfrin, Change, Change gear, Change key
: Championness, Championship, Champlain period, Champleve, Chamsin, Chance, Chanceable, Chanceably, Chanced, Chanceful
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary