Vocabulary : Chasmed to Chast
Chasmed : Having gaps or a chasm.
Chasmy : Of or pertaining to a chasm; abounding in chasms.
Chasse : A movement in dancing, as across or to the right or left. ;; To make the movement called chasse; as, all chasse; chasse to the right or left. ;; A small potion of spirituous liquor taken to remove the taste of coffee, tobacco, or the like; -- originally chasse-cafe, lit., "coffee chaser."
Chasse-cafe : See Chasse, n., above.
Chasselas : A white grape, esteemed for the table.
Chasse-maree : A French coasting lugger.
Chassepot : A kind of breechloading, center-fire rifle, or improved needle gun.
Chasseur : One of a body of light troops, cavalry or infantry, trained for rapid movements. ;; An attendant upon persons of rank or wealth, wearing a plume and sword.
Chassis : A traversing base frame, or movable railway, along which the carriage of a barbette or casemate gun moves backward and forward. [See Gun carriage.] ;; The under part of an automobile, consisting of the frame (on which the body is mounted) with the wheels and machinery.
Chast : to chasten.
: Chaste, Chastely, Chasten, Chastened, Chastener, Chasteness, Chastening, Chastisable, Chastise, Chastised
: Charwomen, Chary, Charybdis, Chasable, Chase, Chased, Chaser, Chasible, Chasing, Chasm
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary