Vocabulary : Chateux to Chatteration
Chateux : of Chateau
Chati : A small South American species of tiger cat (Felis mitis).
Chatoyant : Having a changeable, varying luster, or color, like that of a changeable silk, or oa a cat's eye in the dark. ;; A hard stone, as the cat's-eye, which presents on a polished surface, and in the interior, an undulating or wary light.
Chatoyment : Changeableness of color, as in a mineral; play of colors.
Chatted : of Chat
Chattel : Any item of movable or immovable property except the freehold, or the things which are parcel of it. It is a more extensive term than goods or effects.
Chattelism : The act or condition of holding chattels; the state of being a chattel.
Chatter : To utter sounds which somewhat resemble language, but are inarticulate and indistinct. ;; To talk idly, carelessly, or with undue rapidity; to jabber; to prate. ;; To make a noise by rapid collisions. ;; To utter rapidly, idly, or indistinctly. ;; Sounds like those of a magpie or monkey; idle talk; rapid, thoughtless talk; jabber; prattle. ;; Noise made by collision of the teeth, as in shivering.
Chatter mark : One of the fine undulations or ripples which are formed on the surface of work by a cutting tool which chatters. ;; A short crack on a rock surface planed smooth by a glacier.
Chatteration : The act or habit of chattering.
: Chattered, Chatterer, Chattering, Chattiness, Chatting, Chatty, Chatwood, Chaud-medley, Chaudron, Chauffer
: Chastisement, Chastiser, Chastising, Chastity, Chasuble, Chat, Chateau, Chatelaine, Chatelet, Chatellany
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary