Vocabulary : Chauffeur to Chaussure
Chauffeur : Brigands in bands, who, about 1793, pillaged, burned, and killed in parts of France; -- so called because they used to burn the feet of their victims to extort money. ;; One who manages the running of an automobile; esp., the paid operator of a motor vehicle.
Chauffeuse : A woman chauffeur.
Chauldron : See Chawdron.
Chaun : A gap. ;; To open; to yawn.
Chaunt : See Chant.
Chaunter : A street seller of ballads and other broadsides. ;; A deceitful, tricky dealer or horse jockey. ;; The flute of a bagpipe. See Chanter, n., 3.
Chaunterie : See Chantry.
Chaus : a lynxlike animal of Asia and Africa (Lynx Lybicus).
Chausses : The garment for the legs and feet and for the body below the waist, worn in Europe throughout the Middle Ages; applied also to the armor for the same parts, when fixible, as of chain mail.
Chaussure : A foot covering of any kind.
: Chautauqua system (of education), Chauvinism, Chavender, Chaw, Chawdron, Chawed, Chawing, Chay root, Chazy epoch, Cheap
: Chattered, Chatterer, Chattering, Chattiness, Chatting, Chatty, Chatwood, Chaud-medley, Chaudron, Chauffer
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary