Vocabulary : Checker to Checklaton
Checker : One who checks. ;; To mark with small squares like a checkerboard, as by crossing stripes of different colors. ;; To variegate or diversify with different qualities, colors, scenes, or events; esp., to subject to frequent alternations of prosperity and adversity. ;; A piece in the game of draughts or checkers. ;; A pattern in checks; a single check. ;; Checkerwork.Checkerberries : of Checkerberry
Checkerberry : A spicy plant and its bright red berry; the wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens). Also incorrectly applied to the partridge berry (Mitchella repens).
Checkerboard : A board with sixty-four squares of alternate color, used for playing checkers or draughts.
Checkered : of Checker ;; Marked with alternate squares or checks of different color or material. ;; Diversified or variegated in a marked manner, as in appearance, character, circumstances, etc.