Vocabulary : Chemic to Chemism
Chemic : A chemist; an alchemist. ;; A solution of chloride of lime. ;; Chemical.
Chemical : Pertaining to chemistry; characterized or produced by the forces and operations of chemistry; employed in the processes of chemistry; as, chemical changes; chemical combinations. ;; A substance used for producing a chemical effect; a reagent.
Chemically : According to chemical principles; by chemical process or operation.
Chemiglyphic : Engraved by a voltaic battery.
Chemigraphy : Any mechanical engraving process depending upon chemical action; specif., a process of zinc etching not employing photography.
Chemiloon : A garment for women, consisting of chemise and drawers united in one.
Chemiotaxis : The sensitiveness exhibited by small free-swimming organisms, as bacteria, zoospores of algae, etc., to chemical substances held in solution. They may be attracted (positive chemotaxis) or repelled (negative chemotaxis).
Chemise : A shift, or undergarment, worn by women. ;; A wall that lines the face of a bank or earthwork.
Chemisette : An under-garment, worn by women, usually covering the neck, shoulders, and breast.
Chemism : The force exerted between the atoms of elementary substance whereby they unite to form chemical compounds; chemical attaction; affinity; -- sometimes used as a general expression for chemical activity or relationship.
: Chemist, Chemistry, Chemitype, Chemolysis, Chemosis, Chemosmosis, Chemosmotic, Chemosynthesis, Chemotaxis, Chemung period
: Chelidonic, Chelidonius, Chelifer, Cheliferous, Cheliform, Chelone, Chelonia, Chelonian, Chelura, Chely
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary