Vocabulary : Chitterling to Chivarras
Chitterling : The frill to the breast of a shirt, which when ironed out resembled the small entrails. See Chitterlings.
Chitterlings : The smaller intestines of swine, etc., fried for food.
Chittra : The axis deer of India.
Chitty : Full of chits or sprouts. ;; Childish; like a babe. ;; A short letter or note; a written message or memorandum; a certificate given to a servant; a pass, or the like. ;; A signed voucher or memorandum of a small debt, as for food and drinks at a club.
Chivachie : A cavalry raid; hence, a military expedition.
Chivalric : Relating to chivalry; knightly; chivalrous.
Chivalrous : Pertaining to chivalry or knight-errantry; warlike; heroic; gallant; high-spirited; high-minded; magnanimous.
Chivalrously : In a chivalrous manner; gallantly; magnanimously.
Chivalry : A body or order of cavaliers or knights serving on horseback; illustrious warriors, collectively; cavalry. ;; The dignity or system of knighthood; the spirit, usages, or manners of knighthood; the practice of knight-errantry. ;; The qualifications or character of knights, as valor, dexterity in arms, courtesy, etc. ;; A tenure of lands by knight's service; that is, by the condition of a knight's performing service on horseback, or of performing some noble or military service to his lord. ;; Exploit.
Chivarras : Alt. of Chivarros
: Chivarros, Chive, Chivied, Chivy, Chivying, Chlamydate, Chlamydes, Chlamyphore, Chlamys, Chlamyses
: Chiselling, Chisleu, Chisley, Chit, Chitchat, Chitin, Chitinization, Chitinous, Chiton, Chitter
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary