Vocabulary : Chondrogenesis to Chondrotomy
Chondrogenesis : The development of cartilage.
Chondroid : Resembling cartilage.
Chondrology : The science which treats of cartilages.
Chondroma : A cartilaginous tumor or growth.
Chondromata : of Chondroma
Chondrometer : A steelyard for weighting grain.
Chondropterygian : Having a cartilaginous skeleton. ;; One of the Chondropterygii.
Chondropterygii : A group of fishes, characterized by cartilaginous fins and skeleton. It includes both ganoids (sturgeons, etc.) and selachians (sharks), but is now often restricted to the latter.
Chondrostei : An order of fishes, including the sturgeons; -- so named because the skeleton is cartilaginous.
Chondrotomy : The dissection of cartilages.
: Chondrule, Choose, Chooser, Choosing, Chop, Chop suey, Chopboat, Chopchurch, Chopfallen, Chophouse
: Chondrigen, Chondrigenous, Chondrin, Chondrite, Chondritic, Chondritis, Chondro-, Chondrodite, Chondroganoidea, Chondrogen
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary