Vocabulary : Chromospheric to Chronicling

Chromospheric : Of or pertaining to the chromosphere.
Chromotype : A sheet printed in colors by any process, as a chromolithograph. See Chromolithograph. ;; A photographic picture in the natural colors.
Chromous : Of, pertaining to, or derived from, chromium, when this element has a valence lower than that in chromic compounds.
Chromule : A general name for coloring matter of plants other than chlorophyll, especially that of petals.
Chronic : Relating to time; according to time. ;; Continuing for a long time; lingering; habitual.
Chronical : Chronic.
Chronicle : An historical register or account of facts or events disposed in the order of time. ;; A narrative of events; a history; a record. ;; The two canonical books of the Old Testament in which immediately follow 2 Kings. ;; To record in a history or chronicle; to record; to register.
Chronicled : of Chronicle
Chronicler : A writer of a chronicle; a recorder of events in the order of time; an historian.
Chronicling : of Chronicle
Next : Chronique, Chronogram, Chronogrammatic, Chronogrammatical, Chronogrammatist, Chronograph, Chronographer, Chronographic, Chronography, Chronologer
Previous : Chromolithography, Chromophane, Chromophore, Chromophotograph, Chromophotography, Chromophotolithograph, Chromoplastid, Chromos, Chromosome, Chromosphere
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