Vocabulary : Churlishness to Churrworm
Churlishness : Rudeness of manners or temper; lack of kindness or courtesy.
Churly : Rude; churlish; violent.
Churme : Alt. of Chirm
Churn : A vessel in which milk or cream is stirred, beaten, or otherwise agitated (as by a plunging or revolving dasher) in order to separate the oily globules from the other parts, and obtain butter. ;; To stir, beat, or agitate, as milk or cream in a churn, in order to make butter. ;; To shake or agitate with violence. ;; To perform the operation of churning.
Churned : of Churn
Churning : of Churn ;; The act of one who churns. ;; The quantity of butter made at one operation.
Churr : A vibrant or whirring noise such as that made by some insects, as the cockchafer, or by some birds, as the nightjar, the partridge, etc. ;; To make a churr, as a cockchafer. ;; To utter by churring.
Churred : of Churr
Churrus : A powerfully narcotic and intoxicating gum resin which exudes from the flower heads, seeds, etc., of Indian hemp.
Churrworm : An insect that turns about nimbly; the mole cricket; -- called also fan cricket.
: Chuse, Chute, Chutnee, Chutney, Chylaceous, Chylaqueous, Chyle, Chylifaction, Chylifactive, Chyliferous
: Churchmanship, Churchmen, Churchship, Churchwarden, Churchwardenship, Churchy, Churchyard, Churl, Churlish, Churlishly
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary