Vocabulary : Chylific to Chymiferous

Chylific : Chylifactive.
Chylification : The formation of chyle. See Chylifaction.
Chylificatory : Chylifactive.
Chylify : To make chyle of; to be converted into chyle.
Chylopoetic : Concerned in the formation of chyle; as, the chylopoetic organs.
Chylous : Consisting of, or similar to, chyle.
Chyluria : A morbid condition in which the urine contains chyle or fatty matter, giving it a milky appearance.
Chyme : The pulpy mass of semi-digested food in the small intestines just after its passage from the stomach. It is separated in the intestines into chyle and excrement. See Chyle.
Chymic : Alt. of Chymistry
Chymiferous : Bearing or containing chyme.
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