Vocabulary : Cinch to Cincinnati epoch

Cinch : A strong saddle girth, as of canvas. ;; A tight grip. ;; To put a cinch upon; to girth tightly. ;; To get a sure hold upon; to get into a tight place, as for forcing submission. ;; To perform the action of cinching; to tighten the cinch; -- often with up. ;; A variety of auction pitch in which a draw to improve the hand is added, and the five of trumps (called right pedro) and the five of the same color (called left pedro, and ranking between the five and the four of trumps) each count five on the score. Fifty-one points make a game. Called also double pedro and high five. ;; In the game of cinch, to protect (a trick) by playing a higher trump than the five.
Cinched : of Cinch
Cinchona : A genus of trees growing naturally on the Andes in Peru and adjacent countries, but now cultivated in the East Indies, producing a medicinal bark of great value. ;; The bark of any species of Cinchona containing three per cent. or more of bitter febrifuge alkaloids; Peruvian bark; Jesuits' bark.
Cinchonaceous : Allied or pertaining to cinchona, or to the plants that produce it.
Cinchonic : Belonging to, or obtained from, cinchona.
Cinchonidine : One of the quinine group of alkaloids, found especially in red cinchona bark. It is a white crystalline substance, C19H22N2O, with a bitter taste and qualities similar to, but weaker than, quinine; -- sometimes called also cinchonidia.
Cinchonine : One of the quinine group of alkaloids isomeric with and resembling cinchonidine; -- called also cinchonia.
Cinchonism : A condition produced by the excessive or long-continued use of quinine, and marked by deafness, roaring in the ears, vertigo, etc.
Cinchonize : To produce cinchonism in; to poison with quinine or with cinchona.
Cincinnati epoch : An epoch at the close of the American lower Silurian system. The rocks are well developed near Cincinnati, Ohio. The group includes the Hudson River and Lorraine shales of New York.
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