Vocabulary : Circumflexion to Circumfusion
Circumflexion : The act of bending, or causing to assume a curved form. ;; A winding about; a turning; a circuity; a fold.
Circumfluence : A flowing round on all sides; an inclosing with a fluid.
Circumfluent : Alt. of Circumfluous
Circumfluous : Flowing round; surrounding in the manner of a fluid.
Circumforanean : Alt. of Circumforaneous
Circumforaneous : Going about or abroad; walking or wandering from house to house.
Circumfulgent : Shining around or about.
Circumfuse : To pour round; to spread round.
Circumfusile : Capable of being poured or spread round.
Circumfusion : The act of pouring or spreading round; the state of being spread round.
: Circumgestation, Circumgyrate, Circumgyration, Circumgyratory, Circumgyre, Circumincession, Circumjacence, Circumjacent, Circumjovial, Circumlittoral
: Circumferentially, Circumferentor, Circumflant, Circumflect, Circumflected, Circumflecting, Circumflection, Circumflex, Circumflexed, Circumflexing
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary