Vocabulary : Circumscribable to Circumscriptly
Circumscribable : Capable of being circumscribed.
Circumscribe : to write or engrave around. ;; To inclose within a certain limit; to hem in; to surround; to bound; to confine; to restrain. ;; To draw a line around so as to touch at certain points without cutting. See Inscribe, 5.
Circumscribed : of Circumscribe
Circumscriber : One who, or that which, circumscribes.
Circumscribing : of Circumscribe
Circumscriptible : Capable of being circumscribed or limited by bounds.
Circumscription : An inscription written around anything. ;; The exterior line which determines the form or magnitude of a body; outline; periphery. ;; The act of limiting, or the state of being limited, by conditions or restraints; bound; confinement; limit.
Circumscriptive : Circumscribing or tending to circumscribe; marcing the limits or form of.
Circumscriptively : In a limited manner.
Circumscriptly : In a literal, limited, or narrow manner.
: Circumspect, Circumspection, Circumspective, Circumspectively, Circumspectly, Circumspectness, Circumstance, Circumstanced, Circumstant, Circumstantiable
: Circumnavigator, Circumnutate, Circumnutation, Circumpolar, Circumposition, Circumrotary, Circumrotate, Circumrotation, Circumrotatory, Circumscissile
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary