Vocabulary : Cirrhose to Cirrigrade
Cirrhose : Same as Cirrose.
Cirrhosis : A disease of the liver in which it usually becomes smaller in size and more dense and fibrous in consistence; hence sometimes applied to similar changes in other organs, caused by increase in the fibrous framework and decrease in the proper substance of the organ.
Cirrhotic : Pertaining to, caused by, or affected with, cirrhosis; as, cirrhotic degeneration; a cirrhotic liver.
Cirrhous : See Cirrose.
Cirrhus : Same as Cirrus.
Cirri : See Cirrus. ;; of Cirrus
Cirriferous : Bearing cirri, as many plants and animals.
Cirriform : Formed like a cirrus or tendril; -- said of appendages of both animals and plants.
Cirrigerous : Having curled locks of hair; supporting cirri, or hairlike appendages.
Cirrigrade : Moving or moved by cirri, or hairlike appendages.
: Cirriped, Cirripedia, Cirrobranchiata, Cirro-cumulus, Cirrose, Cirrostomi, Cirro-stratus, Cirrous, Cirrus, Cirsocele
: Circumvolution, Circumvolve, Circumvolved, Circumvolving, Circus, Circuses, Cirl bunting, Cirque, Cirrate, Cirrhiferous
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary