Vocabulary : Clamjamphrie to Clamoring

Clamjamphrie : Low, worthless people; the rabble.
Clammed : of Clam
Clammily : In a clammy manner.
Clamminess : State of being clammy or viscous.
Clamming : of Clam
Clammy : Having the quality of being viscous or adhesive; soft and sticky; glutinous; damp and adhesive, as if covered with a cold perspiration.
Clamor : A great outcry or vociferation; loud and continued shouting or exclamation. ;; Any loud and continued noise. ;; A continued expression of dissatisfaction or discontent; a popular outcry. ;; To salute loudly. ;; To stun with noise. ;; To utter loudly or repeatedly; to shout. ;; To utter loud sounds or outcries; to vociferate; to complain; to make importunate demands.
Clamored : of Clamor
Clamorer : One who clamors.
Clamoring : of Clamor
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