Vocabulary : Clape to Clare

Clape : A bird; the flicker.
Clapped : of Clap
Clapper : A person who claps. ;; That which strikes or claps, as the tongue of a bell, or the piece of wood that strikes a mill hopper, etc. See Illust. of Bell. ;; A rabbit burrow.
Clapperclaw : To fight and scratch. ;; To abuse with the tongue; to revile; to scold.
Clapping : of Clap
Claps : Variant of Clasp
Claptrap : A contrivance for clapping in theaters. ;; A trick or device to gain applause; humbug. ;; Contrived for the purpose of making a show, or gaining applause; deceptive; unreal.
Claque : A collection of persons employed to applaud at a theatrical exhibition.
Claqueur : One of the claque employed to applaud at a theater.
Clare : A nun of the order of St. Clare.
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