Vocabulary : Classman to Clattering
Classman : A member of a class; a classmate. ;; A candidate for graduation in arts who is placed in an honor class, as opposed to a passman, who is not classified.
Classmate : One who is in the same class with another, as at school or college.
Classmen : of Classman
Clastic : Pertaining to what may be taken apart; as, clastic anatomy (of models). ;; Fragmental; made up of brok/ fragments; as, sandstone is a clastic rock.
Clatch : A soft or sloppy lump or mass; as, to throw a clatch of mud. ;; Anything put together or made in a careless or slipshod way; hence, a sluttish or slipshod woman. ;; To daub or smear, as with lime; to make or finish in a slipshod way.
Clathrate : Shaped like a lattice; cancellate. ;; Having the surface marked with raised lines resembling a lattice, as many shells.
Clatter : To make a rattling sound by striking hard bodies together; to make a succession of abrupt, rattling sounds. ;; To talk fast and noisily; to rattle with the tongue. ;; To make a rattling noise with. ;; A rattling noise, esp. that made by the collision of hard bodies; also, any loud, abrupt sound; a repetition of abrupt sounds. ;; Commotion; disturbance. ;; Rapid, noisy talk; babble; chatter.
Clattered : of Clatter
Clatterer : One who clatters.
Clattering : of Clatter
: Clatteringly, Claude Lorraine glass, Claudent, Claudicant, Claudication, Claught, Clause, Claustra, Claustral, Claustrum
: Classifiable, Classific, Classification, Classificatory, Classified, Classifier, Classify, Classifying, Classing, Classis
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary