Vocabulary : Clean to Cleanness

Clean : Free from dirt or filth; as, clean clothes. ;; Free from that which is useless or injurious; without defects; as, clean land; clean timber. ;; Free from awkwardness; not bungling; adroit; dexterous; as, aclean trick; a clean leap over a fence. ;; Free from errors and vulgarisms; as, a clean style. ;; Free from restraint or neglect; complete; entire. ;; Free from moral defilement; sinless; pure. ;; Free from ceremonial defilement. ;; Free from that which is corrupting to the morals; pure in tone; healthy. ;; Well-proportioned; shapely; as, clean limbs. ;; Without limitation or remainder; quite; perfectly; wholly; entirely. ;; Without miscarriage; not bunglingly; dexterously. ;; To render clean; to free from whatever is foul, offensive, or extraneous; to purify; to cleanse.
Clean-cut : See Clear-cut.
Cleaned : of Clean
Cleaner : One who, or that which, cleans.
Cleaning : of Clean ;; The act of making clean. ;; The afterbirth of cows, ewes, etc.
Cleanlily : In a cleanly manner.
Clean-limbed : With well-proportioned, unblemished limbs; as, a clean-limbed young fellow.
Cleanliness : State of being cleanly; neatness of person or dress.
Cleanly : Habitually clean; pure; innocent. ;; Cleansing; fitted to remove moisture; dirt, etc. ;; Adroit; skillful; dexterous; artful. ;; In a clean manner; neatly. ;; Innocently; without stain. ;; Adroitly; dexterously.
Cleanness : The state or quality of being clean. ;; Purity of life or language; freedom from licentious courses.
Next : Cleansable, Cleanse, Cleansed, Cleanser, Cleansing, Clean-timbered, Clear, Clearage, Clearance, Clearcole
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