Vocabulary : Cleftgraft to Clement
Cleftgraft : To ingraft by cleaving the stock and inserting a scion.
Cleg : A small breeze or horsefly.
Cleistogamic : Alt. of Cleistogamous
Cleistogamous : Having, beside the usual flowers, other minute, closed flowers, without petals or with minute petals; -- said of certain species of plants which possess flowers of two or more kinds, the closed ones being so constituted as to insure self-fertilization.
Clem : To starve; to famish.
Clematis : A genus of flowering plants, of many species, mostly climbers, having feathery styles, which greatly enlarge in the fruit; -- called also virgin's bower.
Clemence : Clemency.
Clemencies : of Clemency
Clemency : Disposition to forgive and spare, as offenders; mildness of temper; gentleness; tenderness; mercy. ;; Mildness or softness of the elements; as, the clemency of the season.
Clement : Mild in temper and disposition; merciful; compassionate.
: Clementine, Clench, Cleopatra's needle, Clepe, Cleped, Cleping, Clepsine, Clepsydra, Cleptomania, Clerestory
: Clechy, Cledge, Cledgy, Clee, Cleek, Cleeked, Cleeking, Clef, Cleft, Cleft-footed
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary