Vocabulary : Cleronomy to Cliche
Cleronomy : Inheritance; heritage.
Clerstory : See Clearstory.
Clever : Possessing quickness of intellect, skill, dexterity, talent, or adroitness; expert. ;; Showing skill or adroitness in the doer or former; as, a clever speech; a clever trick. ;; Having fitness, propriety, or suitableness. ;; Well-shaped; handsome. ;; Good-natured; obliging.
Cleverish : Somewhat clever.
Cleverly : In a clever manner.
Cleverness : The quality of being clever; skill; dexterity; adroitness.
Clevis : A piece of metal bent in the form of an oxbow, with the two ends perforated to receive a pin, used on the end of the tongue of a plow, wagen, etc., to attach it to a draft chain, whiffletree, etc.; -- called also clavel, clevy.
Clew : Alt. of Clue ;; To direct; to guide, as by a thread. ;; To move of draw (a sail or yard) by means of the clew garnets, clew lines, etc.; esp. to draw up the clews of a square sail to the yard.
Clewing : of Clew
Cliche : A stereotype plate or any similar reproduction of ornament, or lettering, in relief.
: Click, Click beetle, Clicked, Clicker, Clicket, Clicking, Clicky, Clidastes, Cliency, Client
: Clericity, Clerisy, Clerk, Clerk-ale, Clerkless, Clerklike, Clerkliness, Clerkly, Clerkship, Cleromancy
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary