Vocabulary : Clifted to Climatical
Clifted : Broken; fissured.
Climacter : See Climacteric, n.
Climacteric : Relating to a climacteric; critical. ;; A period in human life in which some great change is supposed to take place in the constitution. The critical periods are thought by some to be the years produced by multiplying 7 into the odd numbers 3, 5, 7, and 9; to which others add the 81st year. ;; Any critical period.
Climacterical : See Climacteric.
Climactic : Of or pertaining to a climax; forming, or of the nature of, a climax, or ascending series.
Climatal : Climatic.
Climatarchic : Presiding over, or regulating, climates.
Climate : One of thirty regions or zones, parallel to the equator, into which the surface of the earth from the equator to the pole was divided, according to the successive increase of the length of the midsummer day. ;; The condition of a place in relation to various phenomena of the atmosphere, as temperature, moisture, etc., especially as they affect animal or vegetable life. ;; To dwell.
Climatic : Of or pertaining to a climate; depending on, or limited by, a climate.
Climatical : Climatic.
: Climatize, Climatized, Climatizing, Climatography, Climatological, Climatologist, Climatology, Climature, Climax, Climb
: Clientage, Cliental, Cliented, Clientelage, Clientele, Clientship, Cliff, Cliff limestone, Cliffy, Clift
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary