Vocabulary : Clinoid to Clione
Clinoid : Like a bed; -- applied to several processes on the inner side of the sphenoid bone.
Clinometer : An instrument for determining the dip of beds or strata, pr the slope of an embankment or cutting; a kind of plumb level.
Clinometric : Pertaining to, or ascertained by, the clinometer. ;; Pertaining to the oblique crystalline forms, or to solids which have oblique angles between the axes; as, the clinometric systems.
Clinometry : That art or operation of measuring the inclination of strata.
Clinopinacoid : The plane in crystals of the monoclinic system which is parallel to the vertical and the inclined lateral (clinidiagonal) axes.
Clinorhombic : Possessing the qualities of a prism, obliquely inclined to a rhombic base; monoclinic.
Clinostat : An apparatus consisting of a slowly revolving disk, usually regulated by clockwork, by means of wich the action of external agents, as light and gravity, on growing plants may be regulated or eliminated.
Clinquant : Glittering; dressed in, or overlaid with, tinsel finery. ;; Tinsel; Dutch gold.
Clio : The Muse who presided over history.
Clione : A genus of naked pteropods. One species (Clione papilonacea), abundant in the Arctic Ocean, constitutes a part of the food of the Greenland whale. It is sometimes incorrectly called Clio.
: Clip, Clipped, Clipper, Clipping, Clique, Cliquish, Cliquism, Clitellus, Clitoris, Clivers
: Clink, Clinkant, Clinked, Clinker, Clinker-built, Clinking, Clinkstone, Clinodiagonal, Clinodome, Clinographic
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary