Vocabulary : Clivities to Cloakroom

Clivities : of Clivity
Clivity : Inclination; ascent or descent; a gradient.
Cloaca : A sewer; as, the Cloaca Maxima of Rome. ;; A privy. ;; The common chamber into which the intestinal, urinary, and generative canals discharge in birds, reptiles, amphibians, and many fishes.
Cloacae : of Cloaca
Cloacal : Of or pertaining to a cloaca.
Cloak : A loose outer garment, extending from the neck downwards, and commonly without sleeves. It is longer than a cape, and is worn both by men and by women. ;; That which conceals; a disguise or pretext; an excuse; a fair pretense; a mask; a cover. ;; To cover with, or as with, a cloak; hence, to hide or conceal.
Cloaked : of Cloak
Cloakedly : In a concealed manner.
Cloaking : of Cloak ;; The act of covering with a cloak; the act of concealing anything. ;; The material of which of which cloaks are made.
Cloakroom : A room, attached to any place of public resort, where cloaks, overcoats, etc., may be deposited for a time.
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