Vocabulary : Clodpate to Cloisonne

Clodpate : A blockhead; a dolt.
Clodpated : Stupid; dull; doltish.
Clodpoll : A stupid fellow; a dolt.
Cloff : Formerly an allowance of two pounds in every three hundred weight after the tare and tret are subtracted; now used only in a general sense, of small deductions from the original weight.
Clog : That which hinders or impedes motion; hence, an encumbrance, restraint, or impediment, of any kind. ;; A weight, as a log or block of wood, attached to a man or an animal to hinder motion. ;; A shoe, or sandal, intended to protect the feet from wet, or to increase the apparent stature, and having, therefore, a very thick sole. Cf. Chopine. ;; To encumber or load, especially with something that impedes motion; to hamper. ;; To obstruct so as to hinder motion in or through; to choke up; as, to clog a tube or a channel. ;; To burden; to trammel; to embarrass; to perplex. ;; To become clogged; to become loaded or encumbered, as with extraneous matter. ;; To coalesce or adhere; to unite in a mass.
Clogged : of Clog
Clogginess : The state of being clogged.
Clogging : of Clog ;; Anything which clogs.
Cloggy : Clogging, or having power to clog.
Cloisonne : Inlaid between partitions: -- said of enamel when the lines which divide the different patches of fields are composed of a kind of metal wire secured to the ground; as distinguished from champleve enamel, in which the ground is engraved or scooped out to receive the enamel.
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