Vocabulary : Cloudily to Clouted
Cloudily : In a cloudy manner; darkly; obscurely.
Cloudiness : The state of being cloudy.
Clouding : of Cloud ;; A mottled appearance given to ribbons and silks in the process of dyeing. ;; A diversity of colors in yarn, recurring at regular intervals.
Cloudland : Dreamland.
Cloudless : Without a cloud; clear; bright.
Cloudlet : A little cloud.
Cloudy : Overcast or obscured with clouds; clouded; as, a cloudy sky. ;; Consisting of a cloud or clouds. ;; Indicating gloom, anxiety, sullenness, or ill-nature; not open or cheerful. ;; Confused; indistinct; obscure; dark. ;; Lacking clearness, brightness, or luster. ;; Marked with veins or sports of dark or various hues, as marble.
Clough : A cleft in a hill; a ravine; a narrow valley. ;; A sluice used in returning water to a channel after depositing its sediment on the flooded land. ;; An allowance in weighing. See Cloff.
Clout : A cloth; a piece of cloth or leather; a patch; a rag. ;; A swadding cloth. ;; A piece; a fragment. ;; The center of the butt at which archers shoot; -- probably once a piece of white cloth or a nail head. ;; An iron plate on an axletree or other wood to keep it from wearing; a washer. ;; A blow with the hand. ;; To cover with cloth, leather, or other material; to bandage; patch, or mend, with a clout. ;; To join or patch clumsily. ;; To quard with an iron plate, as an axletree. ;; To give a blow to; to strike. ;; To stud with nails, as a timber, or a boot sole.
Clouted : of Clout
: Clouterly, Clouting, Clove, Cloven, Cloven-footed, Cloven-hoofed, Clover, Clovered, Clowe-gilofre, Clown
: Cloture, Clotweed, Cloud, Cloudage, Cloudberry, Cloud-built, Cloud-burst, Cloud-capped, Cloud-compeller, Clouded
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary