Vocabulary : Clung to Clutch
Clung : of Cling ;; imp. & p. p. of Cling. ;; Wasted away; shrunken.
Cluniac : A monk of the reformed branch of the Benedictine Order, founded in 912 at Cluny (or Clugny) in France. -- Also used as a.
Cluniacensian : Cluniac.
Clupeoid : Of or pertaining to the Herring family.
Cluster : A number of things of the same kind growing together; a bunch. ;; A number of similar things collected together or lying contiguous; a group; as, a cluster of islands. ;; A number of individuals grouped together or collected in one place; a crowd; a mob. ;; To grow in clusters or assemble in groups; to gather or unite in a cluster or clusters. ;; To collect into a cluster or clusters; to gather into a bunch or close body.
Clustered : of Cluster
Clustering : of Cluster
Clusteringly : In clusters.
Clustery : Growing in, or full of, clusters; like clusters.
Clutch : A gripe or clinching with, or as with, the fingers or claws; seizure; grasp. ;; The hands, claws, or talons, in the act of grasping firmly; -- often figuratively, for power, rapacity, or cruelty; as, to fall into the clutches of an adversary. ;; A device which is used for coupling shafting, etc., so as to transmit motion, and which may be disengaged at pleasure. ;; Any device for gripping an object, as at the end of a chain or tackle. ;; The nest complement of eggs of a bird. ;; To seize, clasp, or gripe with the hand, hands, or claws; -- often figuratively; as, to clutch power. ;; To close tightly; to clinch. ;; To reach (at something) as if to grasp; to catch or snatch; -- often followed by at.
: Clutched, Clutching, Clutter, Cluttered, Cluttering, Clycerole, Clydesdale, Clydesdale terrier, Clypeastroid, Clypeate
: Clum, Clumber, Clump, Clumper, Clumps, Clumpy, Clumsily, Clumsiness, Clumsy, Clunch
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary