Vocabulary : Clypei to Cnidae

Clypei : of Clypeus
Clypeiform : Shield-shaped; clypeate.
Clypeus : The frontal plate of the head of an insect.
Clysmian : Connected with, or related to, the deluge, or to a cataclysm; as, clysmian changes.
Clysmic : Washing; cleansing.
Clyster : A liquid injected into the lower intestines by means of a syringe; an injection; an enema.
Clytie knot : In hair dressing, a loose, low coil at the back of the head, like the knot on the head of the bust of Clytie by G. F. Watts.
Cnemial : Pertaining to the shin bone.
Cnida : One of the peculiar stinging, cells found in Coelenterata; a nematocyst; a lasso cell.
Cnidae : of Cnida
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