Vocabulary : Coadjutive to Coadunition

Coadjutive : Rendering mutual aid; coadjutant.
Coadjutor : One who aids another; an assistant; a coworker. ;; The assistant of a bishop or of a priest holding a benefice.
Coadjutorship : The state or office of a coadjutor; joint assistance.
Coadjutress : Alt. of Coadjutrix
Coadjutrix : A female coadjutor or assistant.
Coadjuvancy : Joint help; cooperation.
Coadjuvant : Cooperating. ;; An adjuvant.
Coadunate : United at the base, as contiguous lobes of a leaf.
Coadunation : Union, as in one body or mass; unity.
Coadunition : Coadunation.
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