Vocabulary : Coarticulation to Coastwise
Coarticulation : The union or articulation of bones to form a joint.Co-assessor : A joint assessor.
Coast : The side of a thing. ;; The exterior line, limit, or border of a country; frontier border. ;; The seashore, or land near it. ;; To draw or keep near; to approach. ;; To sail by or near the shore. ;; To sail from port to port in the same country. ;; To slide down hill; to slide on a sled, upon snow or ice. ;; To draw near to; to approach; to keep near, or by the side of. ;; To sail by or near; to follow the coast line of. ;; To conduct along a coast or river bank.
Coast and Geodetic Survey : A bureau of the United States government charged with the topographic and hydrographic survey of the coast and the execution of belts of primary triangulation and lines of precise leveling in the interior. It now belongs to the Department of Commerce and Labor.
Coastal : Of or pertaining to a coast.