Vocabulary : Coaxing to Cobaltous

Coaxing : of Coax
Coaxingly : In a coaxing manner; by coaxing.
Cob : The top or head of anything. ;; A leader or chief; a conspicuous person, esp. a rich covetous person. ;; The axis on which the kernels of maize or indian corn grow. ;; A spider; perhaps from its shape; it being round like a head. ;; A young herring. ;; A fish; -- also called miller's thumb. ;; A short-legged and stout horse, esp. one used for the saddle. ;; A sea mew or gull; esp., the black-backed gull (Larus marinus). ;; A lump or piece of anything, usually of a somewhat large size, as of coal, or stone. ;; A cobnut; as, Kentish cobs. See Cobnut. ;; Clay mixed with straw. ;; A punishment consisting of blows inflicted on the buttocks with a strap or a flat piece of wood. ;; A Spanish coin formerly current in Ireland, worth abiut 4s. 6d. ;; To strike ;; To break into small pieces, as ore, so as to sort out its better portions. ;; To punish by striking on the buttocks with a strap, a flat piece of wood, or the like.
Cobaea : A genus of climbing plants, native of Mexico and South America. C. scandens is a conservatory climber with large bell-shaped flowers.
Cobalt : A tough, lustrous, reddish white metal of the iron group, not easily fusible, and somewhat magnetic. Atomic weight 59.1. Symbol Co. ;; A commercial name of a crude arsenic used as fly poison.
Cobaltic : Pertaining to, derived from, or containing, cobalt; -- said especially of those compounds in which cobalt has higher valence; as, cobaltic oxide.
Cobaltiferous : Containing cobalt.
Cobaltine : Alt. of Cobaltite
Cobaltite : A mineral of a nearly silver-white color, composed of arsenic, sulphur, and cobalt.
Cobaltous : Pertaining to, derived from, or containing, cobalt; -- said esp. of cobalt compounds in which the metal has its lower valence.
Next : Cobbed, Cobbing, Cobble, Cobbled, Cobbler, Cobblestone, Cobbling, Cobby, Cobelligerent, Cobia
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