Vocabulary : Coenesthesis to Coerce

Coenesthesis : Common sensation or general sensibility, as distinguished from the special sensations which are located in, or ascribed to, separate organs, as the eye and ear. It is supposed to depend on the ganglionic system.
Coenobite : See Cenobite.
Coenoecium : The common tissue which unites the various zooids of a bryozoan.
Coenogamy : The state of a community which permits promiscuous sexual intercourse among its members; -- as in certain primitive tribes or communistic societies.
Coenosarc : The common soft tissue which unites the polyps of a compound hydroid. See Hydroidea.
Coenurus : The larval stage of a tapeworm (Taenia coenurus) which forms bladderlike sacs in the brain of sheep, causing the fatal disease known as water brain, vertigo, staggers or gid.
Coequal : Being on an equality in rank or power. ;; One who is on an equality with another.
Coequality : The state of being on an equality, as in rank or power.
Coequally : With coequality.
Coerce : To restrain by force, especially by law or authority; to repress; to curb. ;; To compel or constrain to any action; as, to coerce a man to vote for a certain candidate. ;; To compel or enforce; as, to coerce obedience.
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