Vocabulary : Cogue to Coheir
Cogue : A small wooden vessel; a pail.
Cogware : A coarse, narrow cloth, like frieze, used by the lower classes in the sixteenth century.
Cogwheel : A wheel with cogs or teeth; a gear wheel. See Illust. of Gearing.
Cohabit : To inhabit or reside in company, or in the same place or country. ;; To dwell or live together as husband and wife.
Cohabitant : One who dwells with another, or in the same place or country.
Cohabitation : The act or state of dwelling together, or in the same place with another. ;; The living together of a man and woman in supposed sexual relationship.
Cohabited : of Cohabit
Cohabiter : A cohabitant.
Cohabiting : of Cohabit
Coheir : A joint heir; one of two or more heirs; one of several entitled to an inheritance.
: Coheiress, Coheirship, Coherald, Cohere, Cohered, Coherence, Coherency, Coherent, Coherently, Coherer
: Cognomination, Cognoscence, Cognoscente, Cognoscenti, Cognoscibility, Cognoscible, Cognoscitive, Cognovit, Cogon, Coguardian
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