Vocabulary : Cohering to Cohobate

Cohering : of Cohere
Cohesibility : The state of being cohesible.
Cohesible : Capable of cohesion.
Cohesion : The act or state of sticking together; close union. ;; That from of attraction by which the particles of a body are united throughout the mass, whether like or unlike; -- distinguished from adhesion, which unites bodies by their adjacent surfaces. ;; Logical agreement and dependence; as, the cohesion of ideas.
Cohesive : Holding the particles of a homogeneous body together; as, cohesive attraction; producing cohesion; as, a cohesive force. ;; Cohering, or sticking together, as in a mass; capable of cohering; tending to cohere; as, cohesive clay.
Cohibit : To restrain.
Cohibited : of Cohibit
Cohibiting : of Cohibit
Cohibition : Hindrance; restraint.
Cohobate : To repeat the distillation of, pouring the liquor back upon the matter remaining in the vessel.
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