Vocabulary : Coiffeur to Coin
Coiffeur : A hairdresser.
Coiffure : A headdress, or manner of dressing the hair.
Coign : A var. spelling of Coin, Quoin, a corner, wedge; -- chiefly used in the phrase coign of vantage, a position advantageous for action or observation.
Coigne : A quoin. ;; Alt. of Coigny
Coigny : The practice of quartering one's self as landlord on a tenant; a quartering of one's self on anybody.
Coil : To wind cylindrically or spirally; as, to coil a rope when not in use; the snake coiled itself before springing. ;; To encircle and hold with, or as with, coils. ;; To wind itself cylindrically or spirally; to form a coil; to wind; -- often with about or around. ;; A ring, series of rings, or spiral, into which a rope, or other like thing, is wound. ;; Fig.: Entanglement; toil; mesh; perplexity. ;; A series of connected pipes in rows or layers, as in a steam heating apparatus. ;; A noise, tumult, bustle, or confusion.
Coiled : of Coil
Coiling : of Coil
Coilon : A testicle.
Coin : A quoin; a corner or external angle; a wedge. See Coigne, and Quoin. ;; A piece of metal on which certain characters are stamped by government authority, making it legally current as money; -- much used in a collective sense. ;; That which serves for payment or recompense. ;; To make of a definite fineness, and convert into coins, as a mass of metal; to mint; to manufacture; as, to coin silver dollars; to coin a medal. ;; To make or fabricate; to invent; to originate; as, to coin a word. ;; To acquire rapidly, as money; to make. ;; To manufacture counterfeit money.
: Coinage, Coincibency, Coincide, Coincided, Coincidence, Coincident, Coincidental, Coincidently, Coincider, Coinciding
: Cohobated, Cohobating, Cohobation, Cohorn, Cohort, Cohosh, Cohune, Cohune palm, Coif, Coifed
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