Vocabulary : Cojuror to Cola nut

Cojuror : One who swears to another's credibility.
Coke : Mineral coal charred, or depriver of its bitumen, sulphur, or other volatile matter by roasting in a kiln or oven, or by distillation, as in gas works. It is lagerly used where / smokeless fire is required. ;; To convert into coke.
Cokenay : A cockney.
Cokernut : The cocoanut.
Cokes : A simpleton; a gull; a dupe.
Cokewold : Cuckold.
Col : A short ridge connecting two higher elevations or mountains; the pass over such a ridge.
Col- : A prefix signifying with, together. See Com-.
Cola : L. pl. of Colon. ;; A genus of sterculiaceous trees, natives of tropical Africa, esp. Guinea, but now naturalized in tropical America, esp. in the West Indies and Brazil. ;; Same as Cola nut, below.
Cola nut : Alt. of Cola seed
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