Vocabulary : Collembola to Collie
Collembola : The division of Thysanura which includes Podura, and allied forms.
Collenchyma : A tissue of vegetable cells which are thickend at the angles and (usually) elongated.
Collet : An inferior church servant. [Obs.] See Acolyte. ;; A small collar or neckband. ;; A small metal ring; a small collar fastened on an arbor; as, the collet on the balance arbor of a watch; a small socket on a stem, for holding a drill. ;; The part of a ring containing the bezel in which the stone is set. ;; The flat table at the base of a brilliant. See Illust. of Brilliant.
Colleterial : Of or pertaining to the colleterium of insects.
Colleterium : An organ of female insects, containing a cement to unite the ejected ova.
Colletic : Agglutinant. ;; An agglutinant.
Colley : See Collie.
Collide : To strike or dash against each other; to come into collision; to clash; as, the vessels collided; their interests collided. ;; To strike or dash against.
Collidine : One of a class of organic bases, C8H11N, usually pungent oily liquids, belonging to the pyridine series, and obtained from bone oil, coal tar, naphtha, and certain alkaloids.
Collie : The Scotch shepherd dog. There are two breeds, the rough-haired and smooth-haired. It is remarkable for its intelligence, displayed especially in caring for flocks.
: Collied, Collier, Collieries, Colliery, Colliflower, Colligate, Colligated, Colligating, Colligation, Collimate
: Collectivity, Collector, Collectorate, Collectorship, Colleen, Collegatary, College, Collegial, Collegian, Collegiate
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary