Vocabulary : Colonialism to Colonizer
Colonialism : The state or quality of, or the relationship involved in, being colonial. ;; A custom, idea, feature of government, or the like, characteristic of a colony. ;; The colonial system or policy in political government or extension of territory.
Colonical : Of or pertaining to husbandmen.
Colonies : of Colony
Colonist : A member or inhabitant of a colony.
Colonitis : See Colitis.
Colonization : The act of colonizing, or the state of being colonized; the formation of a colony or colonies.
Colonizationist : A friend to colonization, esp. (U. S. Hist) to the colonization of Africa by emigrants from the colored population of the United States.
Colonize : To plant or establish a colony or colonies in; to people with colonists; to migrate to and settle in. ;; To remove to, and settle in, a distant country; to make a colony.
Colonized : of Colonize
Colonizer : One who promotes or establishes a colony; a colonist.
: Colonizing, Colonnade, Colony, Colophany, Colophene, Colophon, Colophonite, Colophony, Coloquintida, Color
: Cologne earth, Colombier, Colombin, Colombo, Colon, Colonel, Colonelcy, Colonelship, Coloner, Colonial
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary