Vocabulary : Columbatz fly to Columbine
Columbatz fly : See Buffalo fly, under Buffalo.
Columbella : A genus of univalve shells, abundant in tropical seas. Some species, as Columbella mercatoria, were formerly used as shell money.
Columbia : America; the United States; -- a poetical appellation given in honor of Columbus, the discoverer.
Columbiad : A form of seacoast cannon; a long, chambered gun designed for throwing shot or shells with heavy charges of powder, at high angles of elevation.
Columbian : Of or pertaining to the United States, or to America.
Columbic : Pertaining to, or containing, columbium or niobium; niobic. ;; Pertaining to, or derived from, the columbo root.
Columbier : See Colombier.
Columbiferous : Producing or containing columbium.
Columbin : A white, crystalline, bitter substance. See Calumbin.
Columbine : Of or pertaining to a dove; dovelike; dove-colored. ;; A plant of several species of the genus Aquilegia; as, A. vulgaris, or the common garden columbine; A. Canadensis, the wild red columbine of North America. ;; The mistress or sweetheart of Harlequin in pantomimes.
: Columbite, Columbium, Columbo, Columbus Day, Columella, Columelliform, Column, Columnar, Columnarity, Columnated
: Coluber, Colubrine, Colugo, Columba, Columbae, Columbaria, Columbaries, Columbarium, Columbary, Columbate
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