Vocabulary : Commixing to Commodities

Commixing : of Commix
Commixion : Commixture.
Commixtion : Commixture; mingling.
Commixture : The act or process of mixing; the state of being mingled; the blending of ingredients in one mass or compound. ;; The mass formed by mingling different things; a compound; a mixture.
Commodate : A gratuitous loan.
Commode : A kind of headdress formerly worn by ladies, raising the hair and fore part of the cap to a great height. ;; A piece of furniture, so named according to temporary fashion ;; A chest of drawers or a bureau. ;; A night stand with a compartment for holding a chamber vessel. ;; A kind of close stool. ;; A movable sink or stand for a wash bowl, with closet.
Commodious : Adapted to its use or purpose, or to wants and necessities; serviceable; spacious and convenient; roomy and comfortable; as, a commodious house.
Commodiously : In a commodious manner.
Commodiousness : State of being commodious; suitableness for its purpose; convenience; roominess.
Commodities : of Commodity
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