Vocabulary : Compacted to Compacture
Compacted : of Compact ;; Compact; pressed close; concentrated; firmly united.
Compactedly : In a compact manner.
Compactedness : A state of being compact.
Compacter : One who makes a compact.
Compactible : That may be compacted.
Compacting : of Compact
Compaction : The act of making compact, or the state of being compact.
Compactly : In a compact manner; with close union of parts; densely; tersely.
Compactness : The state or quality of being compact; close union of parts; density.
Compacture : Close union or connection of parts; manner of joining; construction.
: Compages, Compaginate, Compagination, Companable, Companator, Companiable, Companied, Companies, Companion, Companionable
: Commutation ticket, Commutative, Commutator, Commute, Commuted, Commuter, Commuting, Commutual, Comose, Compact
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary